Archive | September, 2010

Steampunk Theatre-a preview

21 Sep

Designer/Illustrator/host of the Grounded Astronaut Stephen Bobbett just revealed his excellent illustrations for the upcoming An Evening of Steampunk and Robot Theatre at the Player’s Ring in Portsmouth NH starting this friday. (Go here to see all Stephen’s work) So I said what the hey, the more the merrier! This awesome collaborative enterprise is being produced by the uber hyphened (and fellow Newmarket resident) John Herman. It’s also going to benefit 3 different charities, so this is a wonderful event all around. I’m in on this wicked jam session as an illustrator along with Mr. Bobbett,Matt Talbot, and Dave Chavalier.

Here’s my entry for Leslie Poston‘s  excellent Orwellian tale “The Smokers”…

and my take on the delightfully whimsical “Oly 33 Motive” by Brian Spielvogel…

For more info head over to John Herman’s site…. I’m pretty excited for this. All steampunk systems GO!!


18 Sep

By day I work in the landscape construction trade. I frequently use various hand tools that have been around in some way, shape or form for hundreds if not thousands of years. Shovels,rakes,hoes,pitchforks,trowels,grain scoops,hammers,and pruners just a name a few. While we utilize modern advances such as dump trucks, bucket loaders,tractors and excavators the final product is brought to completion by the same manner. A hands on basis. In fact there are many finite details of my work that have to be done with fingers on a hand. That human touch is inescapable.

I pretty much do all my artwork at night as the time affords it. My set of tools is just as varied although considerably more subtle. I use a mechanical pencil with 2H lead to layout and complete my underdrawings. Very light marks that don’t leave a dent in the paper. I lift the pencil lead with a kneadable eraser, and do the heavy editing with a hi-polymer white eraser. Then when it’s time to ink I use a combination of a sable brush, a #2 technical pen and a Falcon steel pen nib. Then if off to scanning and digital color. Very much like the tools I use by day, these tools I use at night share a long history with me and are like intimate friends.

The journey from an idea, to production to completion always seems to involve you and your tools, your silent unwavering partner. From your mind,to your hands to your tools. We’re always putting our touch on something, somewhere. What are your tools and what story do they share with you?

Small Stuff 4

1 Sep

Big news and a first for me in my fledgling doodle career! I found out recently I was chosen to take part in the Small Stuff 4 annual group show at the Bear and Bird Gallery in Lauderhill, Florida. Bear and Bird is located upstairs at Tate’s Comics+Toys+Videos+more. Tate’s is an Eisner Award winning store, so if you know anything about comics you know that is awesome. Amanda of Bird and Bear was so kind to choose me to participate this year. The theme is just small (under 8 X 10) artwork that is catered to the first time buyer. All my artwork is relatively small so this right up my alley. I will be in the company of some absolutely amazing artists both stateside and international. The show runs from November 21st,2010 to January 8, 2011. So I am booked up straight from here on! Go check out Bear and Bird Boutique and Gallery and Tate’s Comics for more info. The above image is from last years show, which you can check via Bear and Bird’s Flickr page

Wish me luck, this a big honor!