Archive | September, 2011

The Apple Pushers

5 Sep

Over this last winter I got a chance to work with NH filmmaker and animator Marc Dole of Hatchling Studios in Portsmouth, NH. The project was for the upcoming film Apple Pushers:

“The Apple Pushers, written and directed by Mary Mazzio, narrated by Edward Norton, and underwritten by the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund, follows immigrant street vendors who are rolling fresh fruits and vegetables into the inner cities of New York (where finding a fresh red ripe apple can be a serious challenge). These pushcart vendors, who have immigrated here from all parts of the world for different reasons, and who all have sacrificed so much to come to this country (a near fatal crossing of the Mexican border, as an example) – are now part of a new experiment in New York to help solve the food crisis and skyrocketing obesity rates in the inner city.”

It was a pleasure to work with Marc,Rob and Karlina.  I have to say it’s pretty damn cool to have some of my artwork make a brief appearance in this kind of film. For more info on the movie go here .

The film will be officially released in October of 2011.

Here’s a snippet of the illustrations in action on the Hatchling website .

Xtreme Friday Night Film Series 2 Poster

4 Sep

Here it is, the poster for the September run of Red River Theatres Xtreme Friday Night Film Series.Check the last post for trailers for all these fine films along with a night of entries from the SNOB festival. Enjoy!